Ponder. Ponder.

Our vision is muddled and disoriented; accumulating everything into a mass and then painting people with the wrong colors.  If we could recognize personalities as two separate units and then color those units, what would they be like?  Now, I understand that human morality and integrity have an array of branches, but, let me, if only for a moment, simplify everything.  Integrity and selflessness are white, while ignorance and selfishness are black.  If such an image is possible, than what are the shades of those around you?  Everyone I see now is gray.  They had been white before.  How did this happen?

When I first meet someone I have the fault of always giving them the benefit of the doubt.  This is how I've been for a very long time and I don't believe it will ever change.  I treat them like an empty canvas, acting kindly, introducing myself, and pretending to be a friend.  Slowly or abruptly, the other person's color will be corrupted with black from my own personal judgment or their actions around me.  The black will never be washed away, only added to.  God's grace is the only thing that can clear my eyes to the beautiful personalities around me.  I need to wash a lot of gray canvases.

Jesus gave it all
All to Him I owe
Sin had left a crimson stain
He washed it white as snow

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