The Bed Is On The South Side of The Room

"I don't use drugs, my dreams are frightening enough."
M.C Escher

I've been dreaming a lot recently.  

It's like a chain at night, one leading to the next that eventually fades into another.  I don't what sparked this sudden midnight movement; possibly how much I just lay and think before drifting off.  Or maybe it's the music I listen to before going to bed.  My prime suspect is the Summer Ho-hum.

I usually don't mind dreams.  They give me the inspiration to climb out from the deadly wedge of writer's block, but with so many dreams a night I find myself getting confused a lot.  I almost called a friend at three in the morning to ask them to give me my wallet back because of a dream.

Over the past two weeks I've dreamt about the apocalypse, ghosts, an underground city, a maze, and even Anime.  They're so strange, and I wonder why they are that way.  I've heard a lot of people talk about their dreams, and they sound normal.  None of mine have ever made sense.  Some are so vivid everything's in neon, while others are blurry as if I fell asleep with glasses on.  I usually dream in the omniscient point of view, but it's not uncommon for it to suddenly switch into first.  Completely irrelevant people will show up, then disappear.

If God's trying to speak to me through my dreams, I'm not getting the message.

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