It depresses me when I see someone who completely relies on others to give them self-confidence. I've been seeing a lot of "feel bad for me" posts, tweets, etc. And, maybe it's just me being rude, but I always want to tell them (in all caps mind you!)
I understand this seems heartless but hey, I'm a really blunt person when I want to be. Yes, I understand that some issues are really difficult to handle alone, and I'm happy to pray for those who are going through those issues. However, it's a different matter when I just see someone looking for a pity party with their small problems, sharing again and again to get as many people as they can to say: "Oh, but you're amazing, and awesome," or my personal favorite: "They're just jealous!"
When a problem arises in your life, run to God, not your Facebook. Support from your friends is a wonderful thing, I know, sometimes I ask for pity too, but when you completely rely on it you may want to review exactly what you're doing.
I apologize for this rant post and I'm sorry if I've offended you. Maybe I'm a tad bitter, but I just want to remind you all that people are fallible, but God is truth and forever there to help you get through the problems surfacing in your day-to-day lives.
your blog is seriously my favorite one on the internet. i love you.