
I jotted this down during my flight to Sacramento. Enjoy.


There it was again, looming in Annie's peripheral vision as she sped past another mile-marker. It stood as though man hunched over, spine pointed towards the empty sky and elongated arms hanging loosely from it's dark frame. There it lurked on the side of the road, briefly illuminated at each mile-marker before dissolving into the black again and again. Whenever Annie turned her gaze to see it would vanish, a figment of some awful nightmare that only persevered to torment her. By the forty-second mile Annie still had not grown accustomed to its presence, and as it appeared in the corner of her vision each mile she could discern more and more of its appearance.

Teeth. It had teeth. Rows of jagged fangs that dripped.

Colorless eyes sunken deep into its skull that reflected the headlights.

Arms long enough that its clawed hands dragged against the ground.

Skin stretched taut over its ribcage.

However, the thing that scared Annie the most was how it followed her effortlessly, always waiting for her at the next mile. It didn't matter if she changed roads, it was always there; its rotten lips pulled up in a macabre grin at her passing.

Oh, Poor Me

It depresses me when I see someone who completely relies on others to give them self-confidence.  I've been seeing a lot of "feel bad for me" posts, tweets, etc.  And, maybe it's just me being rude, but I always want to tell them (in all caps mind you!)


I understand this seems heartless but hey, I'm a really blunt person when I want to be.  Yes, I understand that some issues are really difficult to handle alone, and I'm happy to pray for those who are going through those issues.  However, it's a different matter when I just see someone looking for a pity party with their small problems, sharing again and again to get as many people as they can to say:  "Oh, but you're amazing, and awesome," or my personal favorite:  "They're just jealous!"  

When a problem arises in your life, run to God, not your Facebook.  Support from your friends is a wonderful thing, I know, sometimes I ask for pity too, but when you completely rely on it you may want to review exactly what you're doing.

I apologize for this rant post and I'm sorry if I've offended you.  Maybe I'm a tad bitter, but I just want to remind you all that people are fallible, but God is truth and forever there to help you get through the problems surfacing in your day-to-day lives.

Acid Rain - Meet The Schulmans

A small excerpt from my current project.

Neither of the pair proved intimidating.  Ruben Schulman, although standing at six feet two inches, lacked an impressive figure; lanky with an awkward posture that stayed consistent and a mess of blonde hair that stripped him of any attempted authority.  His sister, Hannah, while managing to hold herself straight, had no height to boast of and a practically nonexistent figure.  Their clothes hung off both of them loosely, providing an image similar to a child wearing its parents clothing.  Both of them gently made their way through the delicate network of caverns stretching two miles between the large April sanctum and their own home.  Hannah navigated the tunnels with natural grace as if every step were memorized while Ruben stumbled along behind her, having difficulty just keeping up with his sister.  Slung over their shoulders were lidded buckets that they were careful not to jostle; their tangible benefits.  With an uncle situated in a comfortable, authoritative position at the April city the two found themselves aptly provided for each month.  These supplies proved their worth not only to themselves but to the ten that also made up their private refuge in the underground (as it was duly termed).  In three months it would be the fourth year since they had broken away from the larger sanctum and created their own colony.  So far, few problems had arisen and they discovered that the rural life proved much more peaceful than the cramped underground cities.  People had left the sanctums before, some of them even traveling back to the acidic surface of the planet for reasons unknown.  Leaving the cities hardly caused any problems, but once anyone left it was quite the ordeal to get back in.



I made enemies in my second hour

Someone I don't know very well kept trying to hug me and made me uncomfortable

I got annoyed at my sister for no good reason

I felt awkward in half of my classes

Lunch sucked


I need to apologize to several people for snapping at them

I have to be honest with people that I sometimes I do not want to be hugged

I need to apologize to my sister

I need to not care what people think

I could have added BBQ Sauce

Put forth an effort?  I dig.